allosterism — al·lo·ster·ism (alґo ster″iz əm) allostery … Medical dictionary
allosterism, allostery — The influencing of an enzyme activity, or the binding of a ligand to a protein, by a change in the conformation of the protein, brought about by the binding of a substrate or other effector at a site (allosteric s … Medical dictionary
cooperativity — A property of certain proteins (often enzymes) in which the binding curves or saturation curves or, in the case of enzymes, a plot of initial rates as a function of initial substrate concentration, are nonhyperbolic; suggests that the binding of… … Medical dictionary
Allosteric regulation — In biochemistry, allosteric regulation is the regulation of an enzyme or other protein by binding an effector molecule at the protein s allosteric site (that is, a site other than the protein s active site). Effectors that enhance the protein s… … Wikipedia
Ceiling-Effekt — Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Ceiling Effekt in der Pharmakologie 2 Ceiling Effekt in den empirischen Sozialwissenschaften 3 Siehe auch 4 Literatur … Deutsch Wikipedia
allostery — noun The quality of being allosteric Syn: allosterism … Wiktionary
Enzyme — A protein (or protein based molecule) that speeds up a chemical reaction in a living organism. An enzyme acts as catalyst for specific chemical reactions, convertingt a specific set of reactants (called substrates) into specific products. Without … Medical dictionary
allosteric — Pertaining to or characterized by allosterism. * * * al·lo·ste·ric .al ō ster ik, sti(ə)r adj of, relating to, or being a change in the shape and activity of a protein (as an enzyme) that results from combination with another substance at a point … Medical dictionary
hysteresis — 1. Failure of either one of two related phenomena to keep pace with the other; or any situation in which the value of one depends upon whether the other has been increasing or decreasing. 2. The lag of a magnetic effect behind its cause. SYN:… … Medical dictionary
model — 1. A representation of something, often idealized or modified to make it conceptually easier to understand. 2. Something to be imitated. 3. In dentistry, a cast. 4. A mathematical representation of a particular phenomenon. 5. An animal that is… … Medical dictionary
аллостеризм — Деформация формы белковых молекул и изменение их активности, которая вызывается связыванием лиганда с молекулой фермента в регуляторном сайте [ Eng Rus.pdf] Тематики биотехнологии EN allosterism … Справочник технического переводчика